After a busy party season where we have travelled all over the U.K (and Nottinghamshire), we were up and about in Kent, near Tonbridge for a belated Christmas party for a load of bright sparks!…a company of electricians who are too busy to eat and pull crackers pre Christmas due to having their fingers in their toolboxes to fix electric stuff!!
Steve and I were at the front door of the smart hotel where the party was taking place and ensured it was a well security checked party. Everyone was well behaved but did wonder why we had to be there? ‘A private party in a public hotel you see!’ Maybe getting all smokers to stand facing away from the hotel windows because it lowered the tone, was a little bit excessive…or not?!
After we’d finished, these Aussie waiters were causing another talking point and energiser in the dining room, due to their antics and ‘waiting’ manner. There was laugher all round I heard.